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Indeed, technology has really changed the course of life of today’s generation. Its existence brings lot of opportunities for everyone around the globe to improve the way of life and discovers endless possibilities that this world can offer. The continuous quest for ultimate technology became the spark plug that has pushed the buttons for different innovations. One of which was the discovery of social networking sites that made the communication for different people regardless of the color of the skin more practical, accessible, faster and easier. This kind of technology is undeniably efficient and convenient since two or more people could talk or communicate simultaneously though they are separated by thousands of miles from each other. With a strong internet connection, the users could easily see each other in the screen of their devices by just a matter of millisecond as they started to scroll and click using their fingertips.

For this reason, Social networking sites are currently being used regularly by millions of people. They also started to use internet and other social networking sites not only for social purposes but also in seeking relevant information that they wish to know. In the Philippines, there are around 57.9 million users of different social networking sites which is expected to increase up to 62.5 million users in the year 2023 (Muller, 2019). It is pretty evident that the use of social networking sites has been widespread that they have not only caught the attention of academic and industry researchers in the country but also a typical Filipino student, in particular.

Today, social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, have become primary sources of information for students. They are they are also vehicles for fake news sometimes. According to de Valck (2020), people should be vigilant and wise in using social media so that they can differentiate facts from myths. She reiterated that using social media is not just a privilege but also an obligation; therefore being responsible is required to stop the spread of disinformation.

In the education sector, the curriculum leaders often stressed that right and factual information should be given to students since they are being prepared for bigger and greater responsibility in the future. Similarly, sufficient information in the modern generation cannot be acquired solely in the four corners of the classroom because it needs technology to supplement the students’ learning and experience.

Correspondingly, educational field has completely transformed ever since the Internet and technology are included in the equation. As stated by Daniels (2016), one of the major benefits of using social media with students is teaching them to communicate openly, honestly, and, above all, kindly with their peers. The perceived privacy or anonymity of being online is especially freeing for boys, who may otherwise feel it is uncool to engage in class discussions or to show their emotions. Therefore, she recommended using this teachable moment to promote compassionate communication. However, she pointed out that school and classroom need to have solid guidelines to ensure that students will only harness the power of social media for good before launching this kind of learning modality.

Despite of its popularity to millions of users especially among “millennial” due to its countless benefits, still, some people are putting the blame to social media about the low scholastic performance of their children. They are complaining that frequent use of the said technology lead to addiction and steady decrease in their grades.

In the new normal of education in which one of the primary options to deliver instruction is through the use of internet and other social networking sites. The efficacy of acquiring learning outcome using online platform may be further assessed in the next months to come. However, educators are encouraged to show their utmost commitment to still deliver the best education for the learners. The use of online platforms using social networking sites would be a test to every educator to still deliver the best education for the learners.

Although it is a long battle to attain quality education, but knowing the effects (both positive and negative) of social networking sites to students’ academic performance could be a great step to further develop a concrete plan or scheme that will fulfill its ultimate purpose.