The condition of the environment is a reminder of what we human beings can provide to nature, which harmonizes perfectly with its elements. Education's function is essential in this aspect because it is the keystone of a contemporary society. It influences not only the current degree of improvement of individuals in a society, but also our future route of civilization progress. Therefore, the subject of education demands revamping considering the current environmental catastrophe.
In the current world, the increasing number of environmental issues need a more efficient and effective environmental education. Local education authorities stressed that co-curricular activities may improve learning about the environment. The Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) is therefore the only co-curricular environmental organization recognized for its basic education that provides a platform for activities and movements by students to protect, protect and preserve the environment for the future generations.
To enhance public and private schools' work on climate change, the Department of Education (DepEd) has taken initiatives to strengthen environmental education. DepEd Memorandum No. 52 s. 2011 was issued by the DepEd to guide schools towards the development of environmental education and to promote the formation of environmental organizations led by students. The order was made in accordance with the Republic Act 9512 or an act to Promote Environmental Education for other Purposes In this regard, under DepEd Order No. 72 s. 2003 "Establishment Of the Youth for Environment In Schools Organization (Yes-O)," the Department of Education, together with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) established Youth For Environment In Schools Organization (Yes-O).
How does YES-O react to the demands of young people today? Because of the many environmental actions prescribed to the YES-O, it may be regarded a comprehensive strategy to promote environmental care and sustainable development, which has proved to be increasingly relevant today. It has been a platform in enabling kids to conserve and care for the natural environment. It serves as significant venue for students’ actions and movements toward protecting and conserving the environment.
YES-O implementation was promoted at many schools to inculcate environmental education to these young ambassadors since these young adults may become prominent leaders of future and the users of resources. Children may in certain circumstances influence parents and other members of the community to take actions towards environment. Increase awareness and information, thereby contributing to the formation of attitudes and the support of environmental action programs. Above all, it would be driven to act ecologically friendly and to appreciate nature in its whole.