This study looked into the lived experiences of ten Information System coordinators selected public elementary schools in the Division of Santa Rosa City to transition from manual to an online registry of learners. As an output of the study, a compendium containing LIS User's Guide and Frequently Asked Questions to support the proper implementation of the Learner Information System and Enhanced Basic Education Information System was proposed.
This study utilized qualitative research, precisely the phenomenological approach. Using the interpretative phenomenological approach, the study generated eight superordinate themes: Favorable Feedbacks on Web-based Information System, Continuous Improvement and Change, Being Work-Oriented, Inevitable Challenges as an Information System Coordinators Coordinators' Support System, Seeing Beyond Challenges. Turning Pain to Gain, and The Power of Small Wins.
Under the first theme, all participants appeared to draw favorable feedbacks in the implementation of web-based Information Systems. The second theme explored the teachers' knowledge, beliefs, and feelings about the transition from manual to an online registry of learners. As for the third theme, the ten participants enumerated the different reasons for becoming an Information System Coordinators. On the fourth theme, they revealed the challenges they encountered as Information System Coordinators. Under the fifth theme, the teachers identified the people who supported them in the implementation of the web-based system. As for the sixth and seventh theme, the motivation of the Information System coordinators has been identified. On the eighth theme, the participants identified the rewarding experiences of being an Information System coordinator.
Keywords: LIS, EBEIS, Information Systems, Data Rich-World, Coordinators
In recent times, the best judgments of the people in authority based on using a combination of secret and tacit knowledge of the context, political savvy, professional training, and logical analysis were used in decisions in education. Data played almost no part in decisions. Now, there is no escaping data in education. Accountability has become the watchword of instruction, and data hold a central place in large-scale reform.
A data transformation is intervening in the field of education. There are changes in standards, increasing use of assessments, and a growing demand to measure performance. All are agreed that teachers and school administrators need to work with data in new ways (Rouda, 2018). Think of educational data as a machine that receives and uses inputs to help run the educational process, producing outputs that include progress, success, and achievement. Data use on critical information from the parent, teacher, student, district, and state.
According to Garner (2019), education is a field that creates a massive amount of data, so it is crucial to be prepared to make informed decisions. Gathering valuable data, evaluating it to see the whole picture, and analyzing the meaning of the results is a complex and challenging process; however, educators need to develop a culture that embraces and effectively uses data to enhance teaching and student education. "Data-rich culture" means that data in a data-rich environment supports decisions at all school levels.
Since the early 2000s, the Philippine government has undertaken large-scale reforms in its education system to address access, equity, and quality weaknesses. It has undertaken several initiatives to respond to the pressing need for local, high-quality data, the decentralization of education management, and accountability processes to facilitate citizen engagement in school-based management practices. (PIDS, 2019).
In addition, the Department of Education (DepEd) has also made a significant change in redesigning data gathering instruments from the use of original manual systems wherein school data are collected and analyzed manually. Data errors and lack of coordination with other offices led to conflicting statistics, and it also resulted in an increasing volume of work and led to processing delays. In 2002, the Basic Education Information System (BEIS) was developed and implemented. It helps the department process and generates the data needed for planning, budget preparation, resource allocation, and performance indicators. BEIS also analyzes teacher deployment, instructional room allocation, and pupil/student seating ratio.
In 2011, All primary and secondary schools under the Department of Education were supported by DepEd web-based systems, namely: Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) and Learner Information System (LIS). These systems were developed due to the urgent need to reform the data collection from schools.
Together with EBEIS, the Learner Information System (LIS) was also designed and implemented with the objectives of knowing who the learners are, where they are, who fall in and out of the system, and how they are progressing so that the department is well-informed and adequately guided in crafting learner-centered policies and programs to achieve the goal of providing quality education for all. The LIS is a national database that contains every learner's primary data. (Harrison, 2019)
At present, a single sign-on is available, linking both systems for easy access to the system. EBEIS and LIS are recognized as the official registry of schools for primary education as provided in various departments as mandated by DepEd Order 45, series of 2017, and DepEd Order 23, 2017.
EBIES and LIS have been seen to provide the necessary information in planning and monitoring within a click of the button. On a personal note, the existing body of research on DepEd web-based systems focuses on the systems' contribution to achieving organizational objectives and improving managerial practices. Thus far, the multifaceted contexts of technology integration and the effects of these web-based information systems on teachers' research have given little attention.
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