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· Volume IV Issue III

Spiderman once said, “Great power comes great responsibility”, thus, being a leader in an organization is a position that entails power and responsibility which should highly promote the common good and general welfare of both the employees, organization and other stakeholders.

As a leader, you possess a great responsibility in maintaining and fostering freedom and responsibility towards employees and with the organization as a whole thus, a leader should learn to empower, to delegate, to influence and be a model of words and actions inside and outside the organization.

Hence, absence of leadership in an organization could lead to chaos. Chaos which would affect the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of employees as well as the organization in general.

As a leader, maintaining justice among team players or talents is very important. You need to ensure that policies and rules set in the organization should be followed by all the employees thus, overfamiliarity should be avoided in the organization and sanctions should be properly implemented hence, a leader should be non-partisan. Moreover, there shall be an equal treatment to performing and coping employees who need to be trained or mentored hence, recognition and praises to those excellent or performing employees should be given.

Yet, concepts of egoism and altruism in leadership directly affect the style of any leader. It talks about the interest of your employees which should be prioritized over personal interest. Thus, these concepts highlight the importance of serving others before yourself. As a leader, it implies that your actions and services should promote what is best for all.

Thus, as a leader you should acknowledge that in an organization, it is basically composing of diverse employees with diverse attitudes, personalities or behaviors including the beliefs and cultures. Hence, it is important that even if there is diversity within the organization most especially with the employees there should always be a clear and defined Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives and it should be strengthened therefore, all employees should conform in it.

In like manner, it is very important to learn how to balance emotions and actions. In every excess and deficiency may result to conflicts, frustrations or disappointments worst unproductivity, inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Thus, not only the subordinates can be affected but also the organization in general as well as the products and services it serve and produce. It is therefore very important to avoid being too emotional or attach to the position because every decision that you make should be guided by policies of the organization.

Undoubtedly, clear and defined policies in the organization is very vital for whatever things you make as a leader should always in conform to the policies set forth so that everything will be in order. Thus, apply the principle “demonstrate love by example”. As a leader of an organization, you should be the first to display love and affection most especially in the relationship towards subordinates and in the fulfillment of your work- as a leader.

Hence, as they say a leader should lead by example that’s why it can be inculcated with the virtue of love to your employees by way of modelling it. Thus, any leader should avoid the principle of “management by fear” because you cannot expect happy and productive employees in the organization if you choose to impose power and authority with compliance.

So, a leader should not set aside the important and crucial roles of human resources as one of the components in any organization thus, presence of a clear policy framework which directs actions of every employee as well as consistency and transparency should be well-observed. Thus, it is also important to learn how to listen with employees in the organization. Knowing their importance as a resource and being valued in the organization is very vital. In this way, every employee would intrinsically be motivated to perform well towards their duties and responsibilities.

With regard, infractions to organizational policies which may exist in the organization, it is expected that a leader should know how to manage employees. Hence, handling infractions to policies is critical. But as a leader, you should be able to conduct an orientation and be aware of the employees’ expectations to the organization, their expectation to you as the leader and to the clients they are serving or vice versa. Another, you should be able to identify the motivational factors as well as factors causing discontentment of your employees to better understand their criticisms or clamors to organizational policies. Hence, it is very important to note that the policies should be implemented fairly and equally.

Effective leadership then, entails effective communication and developing competency in this fields are the core areas of concern of the organization and management to ensure a successful and productive workplace.

At its core, as a person, a leader/ administrator, the communication and relationship management competency is necessary in an organization it is about how clearly leaders/administrators understand the people they work with and how effectively they use that knowledge in building high-performance working relationships. Note that mastery of this competency is only an entry ticket to leadership effectiveness. The competency must be consistently applied within the context of daily work interactions. Over time and with consistent application, this competency will yield its payoff.

With these basics in mind, a manager or a leader can follow two important steps in developing more effective working relationships. First, recognize the association between effective relationship management and overall effectiveness, and make a firm commitment to actively improving professional relationships, thereby consider the personal and professional growth and development of the employees. The firmer the commitment, the greater the outcome. Second, challenge yourself to seek out, and be fully vulnerable to feedback from colleagues about your communication and relationship management skills. In terms of developing your skills in this competency, it is likewise important to find a mentor, coach, or trusted loved one to help you.

Hence, it is also very important to consider your self-evaluation which can feel both risky and emotionally tough however, having additional support from those you trust will not only expedite your development process but will also make it more bearable. Be open with recommendations/suggestions/feedback coming from your colleagues and subordinates especially with your leadership and management styles to better improve yourself as a leader/administrator.

Thereafter, you can build a healthy working environment that could result to better service, increase profits and customer satisfaction as well as motivated, satisfied and engaged employees or workers.