In high school, teaching TLE has become much more challenging as a result of the pandemic. Even with the advent of technology in the 21st century highlighted by internet ready phone, portable computers that revolutionized TLE instructions, the subject still calls for developments in instruction.
The so called “new normal” living or more precisely kind education would drive the demand for technology to further increase. Expect more high schools to use accessible, synchronous and asynchronous gadgets and apps to transfer all kinds of student learning from technology and livelihood education subject.
We can see that information and communication technology has made a lot of innovation in the field of teaching and has also made a drastic change from classroom and learning paradigm, without really altering traditional teaching.
For interactive teaching, instructional innovation requires in TLE before the pandemic. Now, with the new normal, it will not only be a prerequisite to incorporate multimedia technology and spawn a technologically savvy generation of youths.