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· Volume III Issue IV

In education there is a principle that states that when more of the body's senses are involved, learning may be enhanced. This is why, according to this principle, taking notes, actively listening, and closely monitoring by the teacher helps learners to retain and learn more – some experts even say that handwritten notes are still more effective than digitally produced.

On the other hand, many children are falling behind and have low academic performance, which will have a big influence on national development. This are the reason why Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) have both been too enthusiastic about establishing restricted face-to-face classes.

The resumption of traditional face-to-face classes in schools is currently one of the most talked-about issues in the world of education. As Covid situation in many communities improves, the demand for actual teaching-learning is suggested.

Before the actual face-to-face, the school's preparation must be established in order to show that it is beneficial for the students to return to school where they will spend the majority of their time studying.

The readiness of the school facility is at most concern. All classrooms and auxiliary facilities must be clean and ready for pupils and teachers to facilitate learning. A logistical plan is required. Furthermore, safety rules and safety reminders should be strategically placed around the school to advise students while they are on campus. Class program and timetable should be well planned in order to ensure the proper flow of teaching and learning process while in school.

However, before kids are urged to attend face-to-face classes, the school must obtain the agreement of their parents and guardians. The full consent of the parents and guardians would truly indicate that these learners are permitted to attend lessons without hesitations. 

Participation is required from both the community and the Local Government Unit (LGU) in the implementation of Expanded Face-to-Face Classes. Their assistance would be beneficial in implementing face-to-face sessions. 

The schoolchildren must be cognitively, physically, and emotionally prepared for the pilot run in face-to-face learning since they will be the ones to experience the school set-up that they must embrace following the challenges of this time.

Just like most people, with the preparation done by the school and with teachers vaccinated and health protocols in place, we hope this will be enough to protect the children. Nevertheless, the resumption of classes is a big leap in moving forward. This may be the “new normal" in educational setting for several more months but surely the face-to-face classes will probably enhance the learnings of the children and also benefit the teachers as well.