In the Philippines bullying isn't a brand new phenomenon, it happens too, in schools even among adults within the homes, community, and workplace which in effect creates a socio-psychological syndrome, an outlet of emotional problem. This study aimed to seek out the perceptions of teachers and students on the causes and effects of the present bullying syndrome on human development of intermediate learners. Teachers and learners within the intermediate grades of Marcela Agoncillo Elementary School, Manila, SY 2015-2016 were utilized. This study used descriptive type of research and a questionnaire as the main data gathering instrument, for analysis and interpretation Relative frequency, weighted mean, and standard deviation were used as statistical tools. It absolutely was found that the perceived major causes of bullying among intermediate learners were the exposure to computer games, characteristics of peers, and family background. The perceived effects on the perpetrators of bullying were on the cognitive aspect because bullies have very slow understanding of the lessons, same with their manipulative skills, due to having low-self-esteem in participating to curricular and co-curricular activities. It’s therefore concluded that students had to be oriented about the implications of bullying behavior both in class and respective homes. Students need to be inculcated with the importance of fantastic virtue at all times, and if being bullied, must know proper reporting protocol to authorities concerned since retaliation wouldn't bring a positive outcome. Most of all, it's important to know the school’s policies regarding bullying and choose friends who may be a decent influence.
Keywords: Academic Performance, Current Bullying Syndrome & Human Development
Bullying is defined as a repeated aggressive behavior, either physical or psychological, that intentionally causes hurt to the recipient by an individual or a group that's unprovoked by the victim, Woodhead, Faulkner, & Littleton, (1999). Thus, bullying could be a repeated aggressive behavior intentionally causing hurt or discomfort toward another by means of physical or verbal contact that it's difficult for the victim to stop the bully. According to Smith & Sharp, (1994) it's also bullying when a student is hit, kicked, threatened, locked inside a space, sent nasty notes, and when nobody ever talks to him. By observing the actions of others, including teachers, parents and peers, children develop new skills and acquire new information within the environment, plenty of inputs will be acquired by the youngsters and also the tendency is to place into practice what was observed and on this phase of changes in behavioral pattern of the leaners, occurs a part of human development. The interaction between individuals in class, community, home and exposure to the most recent or technological advancement regularly over the course of time may have contributed to the individuals’ behavior. Bronfenbrenner stated that human development can occur through interaction with the environment. As an example, a boy who sees his father being aggressive (e.g., hitting, kicking) to his vulnerable mother on a daily basis could also be influenced by his father’s aggressive behavior. The boy may become aggressive to his classmates or peers at school. A Study on Programs and Policies (Ancho and Park, 2013) stated that local and international studies have affirmed the alarming situation of bullying and school violence involving Filipino children. Higher intensity of violence rate has pushed policy-makers to formulate bullying prevention schemes in the country. Although organized steps were created schools still experience this dilemma that needs for an aggressive and determined actions to combat violence or bullying in schools. The Philippines’ Department of Education has issued a policy to eliminate school violence. The Child Protection Policy has been implemented followed by the creation of Anti- Bullying Act of 2013. Bullying could be a growing concern among students, teachers, parents, school administrators, and government authorities, therefore, it's essential to conduct research that examine the causes and effects of this bullying syndrome. Investigations on the causes and effects of bullying syndrome may end in parents, teachers, and staff capacity building training to acknowledge and handle cases of bullying occurring at school because most of the time they're those that notice and they are in the position because of their parental authority in intervening or helping students who are being victimized by bullies. However, there's currently a scarcity of research locally giving emphasis on the causes and effects of bullying syndrome on pupils’ cognitive, affective, and manipulative skills development within the intermediate level, it’s on this premise that the researcher became interested to conduct this study. The Department of Education Order No. 55, s.2013 in compliance with Republic Act 10627 mandates all elementary schools and secondary schools within the country to adopt policies to mitigate bullying in their institutions. Regarding the Department of Education’s policy on child protection and anti-bullying it had been clearly stated in its provisions that schools should have a committee to deal with cases of school violence and bullying committed by the students but the measures to combat and to punish the offenders have to be strengthened. The child’s protection policy and also the anti-bullying acts should clarify schemes on how schools could sustain financial expenses in executing programs and campaigns associated with the training seminars, and other related activities pertaining to it involving teachers, guidance teachers, guidance counselors, student leaders and other school stakeholders. It's very challenging on the part of the school administrators to hold out the programs without vivid declaration of monetary spending and without giving the just and necessary punishments to the bullies seriously. Bullying, being inevitable in today’s generation of students due to diversity, could be a problem needing proper attention and intervention. This bullying syndrome has probably always been present in class, although it's become the topic of skyrocketing attention. Violence in school and bullying issues still an alarming topic of debate nowadays. The Philippine government already had existing law about bullying, but there's a necessity to strengthen its implementation. Punishments should be consistently explained to the students so bully would be held liable, to blame for all his actions and responsive to whatever effects or consequences it should give the victims or perhaps the perpetrators of bullying. The causes and effects of this bullying syndrome on the cognitive, affective and manipulative skills as a part of human development of intermediate learners whether as a victim or perpetrator as perceived by teachers and students are the center of investigation of this study with the end view of providing measures that may be undertaken to deal with the causes of bullying syndrome among intermediate learners. The study applied the social learning Theory of Bandura known also as Observational Learning and also the Ecological Systems Theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) which explained how everything in child's environment affects how a child grows and develops was utilized. The researcher believed with these two theories and came up along with his own relative notion that these days, negative behavior of learners like the bullying syndrome in and out of the school may be attributed to the background of the family, peers, environment, and technological advancement where the learners belong.
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