Criticisms are the greatest feeds for improvements. They stimulate success and allow it to flow back to where it comes from.
“We all need people who give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” –Bill Gates
It was August 8, 2016 when Alitagtag Senior High School (ASHS) was established. Since then, the school administration has created a great partnership with the parents as its primary stakeholders. However, the school always wanted to give more than what is enough. With this, ASHS through the leadership of Dr. Wilhem D. Siscar saw an opportunity of strengthening the relationship between the school and the parents by having a Computerized Parental Feedback System.
The institution recognizes the vital role of the parents in school governance as their involvement and engagement will help gear towards success. Nevertheless, they saw a difficulty in collecting parent’s feedback so they came up with an idea of having a computerized feedback system. The internal stakeholders find ways on how accurate and honest feedback can be gathered from the parents without compromising the confidentiality of their responses and focused on how innovative feedback system with the aid of modern technology can be effective.
With this innovative scheme, Alitagtag Senior High will be an institution which is known not ONLY for QUALITY INSTRUCTIONS, but also for the EXCELLENT SERVICE rendering to the people.