Video clips with English subtitle in Senior High School Students’ Comprehension Skills is a quasi-experimental research which used pre-test and post-test in conducting the research. The students were given 30 item pre-test and post-test exam which covers the content of the video. The study is limited on the experimental and control group with 60 students’ participant for each group. Video clip without English subtitles was shown to the control group while the video clips with English subtitles was exposed to the participants in the experimental group.
The student participants from control and experimental group have performed and shows favorable results during the pre- test. Both the control group and experimental group have increased in post- test although, experimental group achieved a higher post- test score rating than control group.
The pre- test scores of both groups do not have any significant difference. The result also shows that half of the combined population of control and experimental group obtain 50.0 percent of the total number of items during the exam.
The post- test scores of both groups shows significant difference. Based on the results, the use of video clips with English subtitle as instructional material has a great impact and exhibits a dramatic change on the students’ performance when pre-test and post-test scores were compared. The outcome suggests that using the English-subtitled video clip to improve learners' comprehension skills is beneficial.
Keywords: video clips, English subtitle, comprehension skills