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· Volume IV Issue I


This study looked into the role of the ten Guidance Counselors in different schools in the province of Laguna in the new normal. As an output of the study, a guidance program for guidance counselors to promote mental health in the new normal was proposed.

The research design used was qualitative with phenomenology as an approach. Using the interpretative phenomenological approach, the study generated ten emerging themes which were Describing Responsibilities as Guidance Counselor in the New Normal, Memorable Experience, Different Preparation for Counseling Students in the New Normal, Students’ Obstacles in Online Platform, Challenges and Adjustments made by Counselors in New Normal, Ways of Promoting Mental Health, Varied Motivation in Promoting Mental Health, Different Strategies in Promoting Mental Health, Best Feeling, and Varied Enrichment Activities.

The first theme showed challenges in communication with the students and exploring guidance and counseling. For the second theme, Counselors experienced handling cases of child abuse, broken family and relationship causing behavior or attitude problems, running away from home, self-harming, grief, and counselor-psychiatrist collaboration. For the third theme, the ten participants enumerated their preparation by scheduling referrals, online counseling sessions, home visiting, tele-counseling, and preparing themselves psychologically and emotionally to deliver proper guidance. On the fourth theme, counselors revealed that students encountered a lack of internet connection and gadgets, lack of motivation, lack of support from family, and distractions. Under the fifth theme, it shows the counselors' challenges and adjustments in terms of communicating with students and handling a large population of students. Under the sixth theme, counselors promote mental health by using assessment forms to check the students, video clips about mental health, orientation about guidance services, and psychological first aid through homeroom guidance. Under the seventh theme, counselors believed that promoting mental health was the need of the country to cope with the disruption of Covid-19. Under the eighth theme, counselors' strategies were online consultation, tele-counseling, segments like talk shows, stress management, and relaxation, celebrating mental health awareness, and home visitation. Under the ninth theme, counselors felt a sense of fulfillment whenever there was progress for their students. Under the tenth theme, counselors' activities that may enhance guidance programs were the counselors enrolling in certification training, engaging activities, proper orientation about guidance function and services, and lastly, online counseling.

Keywords: role, guidance counselor, mental health, new normal, guidance program

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