This study aimed to determine the reading comprehension reading comprehension levels of grade 11 students in Schools Division Office of Legazpi City. To obtain the essential data and information, the research sought to Determine the reading comprehension levels of Grade 11 students, Identify the problems met along the comprehension levels, proposed solutions to minimize the problems met, and Prepare activity sheets for the 5 levels of comprehension. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, with the researcher selecting public high schools in Legazpi City at random.
According to the survey, 11th graders at Schools A, B, C, D, and E had average levels of understanding. Students' scores on the HSPT were around average across all categories of exam questions, including Literal, Inferential, Integrative, and Creative. Yet, students continue to have trouble understanding what they read and making connections between different pieces of text. The results of this study show that eleventh graders did not to acquire text-level information and form a coherent mental picture of the text.
It is hereby recommended that it is important to study the factors that contribute to pupils' general inability to grasp what they read if we are to make any progress in this area. Instruction in reading comprehension might focus on one ability at a time or incorporate many strategies; students should be allowed increasing levels of independence as they move through the curriculum. Teaching students to detect and use the text's organizational structure is crucial for their understanding, retention, and application of the material.
Keywords: Comprehension, Grade 11 students, Reading