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· Volume IV Issue IV


Human being is superior over other living creatures on earth. The combination of the senses sets apart from other species. With these senses, a person can communicate, which is one of the most important skills in communication process. Hearing is one of the senses which plays a vital role in communication and survival. It is the ability which helps in the perception of sound through the vibrations that are being detected by ear. It is a biological or a mental process.

Project BASA as one of the key concern of the school considers reading as one of the most basic areas of communication skills and language development. In the classroom, pupils have to listen carefully and attentively to lectures and class discussions in order to understand and retain the information for later recall. reading is not only the first of the language arts skills developed, it is also the skill most frequently used in both the classroom and daily life. Clearly, much of the educational process is based on skills in reading. Pupils have to spend most of the time reading to what the teacher says, for instance, giving lectures. In a language classroom, reading ability plays a significant role in the development of other language arts skills. reading can also help pupils build vocabulary, develop language proficiency, and improve language usage. Students’ ability to comprehend written material through reading as well as to express themselves through speaking and written communication are related to students’ maturity in the reading phase of language development and is the key to achieving proficiency in speaking. Not only are reading skills the basis for the development of all other skills, they are one of the main channels through which learners make initial contact with the target language and its culture.

Moreover, Project BASA on improving reading skills of pupils, though it may seem similar to hearing is different, that it entails perceiving and understanding the message that was heard. Both stated that hearing is a physical process; when sound waves reach your ears and send messages to your brain, you are hearing. reading is an intellectual process that combines hearing with evaluating; reading often leads to a follow-up. It is very essential to communication as no communication is possible without effective reading. It is a skill that starts early in ones life. Very young babies, as early as two months old show evidence of reading. They react to sounds, their mothers’ voices and even cry when scolded. reading is not a science, it is an art. Most people can usually hear, but the speaker might wonder if he or she is really being "listened" to. reading seems so easy. The problem is that reading is not the same as hearing. If there is a commercial for a product on TV that is not interesting, it is easy to tune that information out. Hearing is one thing, but reading and mentally absorbing thoughts is another. This is why reading is an art and not a science. Although hearing what someone says is easy, great listeners began by developing their reading skills.

Pupils listen to gain information, to make decisions, and to enjoy. Good reading habits help to avoid misunderstandings, embarrassment, and mistakes on the job. It also saves time and energy that could be spent on more productive activities. Moreover, how well one listens have a major impact on school performance, job effectiveness, and on the quality of relationships with others. Every day, an average pupil spends most of the time reading. This suggests that reading is an important activity in daily life. It was stressed that of the total time spent on communicating, reading takes up 40-50%, speaking 25-30%, reading 11-16% and writing about 9%. (Gilakjani, 2019)

Likewise, reading is a learned skill and does not happen automatically for most people. reading is the most important component of being a successful supervisor. Effective reading clears up misunderstandings, builds successful business and personal relationships, helps in developing respect, and establishing a feeling of cooperation. There are rewards for reading as well as punishments for not reading. Some of the punishments for not reading are poor decision.

Based on the results of the oral reading performance of the pupils during school year 2019-2022 the pandemic time, they only get an over-all performance of frustration with forty-five (45) percent on the oral reading performance assessment tests given to them. This only shows that they do not master the reading skills. With this information the researcher is motivated to conduct the study.

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