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Calaboa Primary School


The study determined the LSB teaching performance and its relationship to their learners’ academic achievement in the Schools District of Santa Barbara. It was found out that the level of teaching performance of LSB teachers when grouped as a whole and classified according to educational qualification, and length of teaching experience is very satisfactory. There were no significant differences in the level of teaching performance of teachers when classified according to educational qualification and length of service. The level of academic achievement of learners when grouped as a whole and classified according to grade level and size of school is very satisfactory except for kindergarten which is satisfactory. There were no significant differences in the level of academic achievement of learners when classified according to grade level and size of school. There was a significant relationship between LSB teachers’ teaching performance and learners’ academic achievement. LSB teachers’ experiences were adaptability and resilience, teaching roles and impact, professional development and collaboration, and diverse teaching experiences and realities.

Keywords: Local School Board (LSB), Teachers, Teaching Performance, Learners, Academic Achievement



The Teaching performance of the teachers is the key in achieving a professional practice by society's requirements at the moment. It is responsible for promoting the necessary responsibility for good training and learning that serve the professional stage and personal development (Escribano, 2018). In this regard, teacher performance standards become a valuable reference for the work carried out in the classroom. They determine their activities and the way to do it while transmitting knowledge to students, which become a reference for reflection and continuous improvement of their work. The lack of adequate pedagogical support will prevent evidence of the achievements and progress of learning in the students, as well as analyzing and identifying the origin of the learning that was not achieved to make relevant changes (Pérez et al., 2018).

An assessment tool called the Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) is used to grade government workers, like public school teachers, based on their accomplishments over the previous year.

The school head and the teachers collaborate on this project, which facilitates an open dialogue about the goals of the department as a whole as well as the course expectations, key outcomes areas, and objectives. It offers a forum for the Department of Education to come to consensus on performance standards and conduct that promotes both professional and personal development (Opena, 2022).

The IPCRF is done at the end of the school year to determine the teachers’ teaching performance. It has the adjectival rating of Outstanding (4.500-5.000), Very Satisfactory (3.500-4.499), Satisfactory (2.500-3.499), Unsatisfactory (1.500-2.499), and Poor (below 1.499) (

Academic accomplishment is measured in terms of thinking skills, Math, Science, Social Science, and communication abilities. These competencies help learners thrive in both the classroom and in society. The overall average shown on the students' report card for the 2022–2023 school year determines their academic success.

Teachers teaching in the public schools are composed of nationally funded and locally funded teachers. These nationally funded teachers are hired according to the guidelines and policies set by the Department of Education (DepEd) and funded by the national government, while locally funded teachers who are commonly called Local School Board (LSB) teachers are hired according to the choice of the Local Chief Executive provided the name of the teacher to be hired is found in the registry of qualified applicants. The salary of the latter is funded by the Local Government Unit using the Special Education Fund (SEF) with the approval of the LSB in which the Board is headed by the mayor. Regardless of the professional preparations and teaching competence of the LSB teachers and as long as the mayor of the town is still the mayor, there is an assurance that LSB teacher still be hired in the next school year.

The researcher, being an LSB teacher, observes that some LSB teachers are inspired to teach and are very enthusiastic in any work they perform, while others seem to be bored with school work. Chances are that the former are well motivated by factors concerning teaching, while the latter may not have experienced any praises at all from others or their school heads. Some are no longer thinking of how to improve their teaching performance. Whatever it is, the researcher intends to find out about the Local School Board (LSB) teachers’ teaching performance and its relationship to their learners’ academic achievement.

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