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· Volume II Issue I

One of the popular proverbs says “TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE”. When two or more teachers work together in solving a particular problem in the academic performance of their learners, the probability of solving the problem is higher.

Teachers play a vital role in the educative process, they are the facilitator and guidance counselors in the four corners of classroom. They look for improvement, intensify capabilities, deliver quality education and provide friendly classroom accessible to all learners. Exposing them to different strategies that will enhance their knowledge and attitude towards curriculum attainment. These strategies helps them to cope with challenging subject content, concepts and skills. The wide range of different strategies help a lot in improving the learning environment for both teachers and learners.

We cannot deny the fact that learners face with difficulties in dealing with daily lessons such as solving mathematical problems, scientific inquiry, memorizing information, concepts and skills. With these, it will help teachers to devise plans to address the problem. Using evidences on everyday teaching, one can identify difficulties of learners in specific topic through constant observation on the assessment or evaluation. But how can we deal with it if the majority of learners are unable to learn the topic due to internal and external factors that make the learners unlearned?

According to Teacher Development Trust (2015) Lesson Study is one of the strategy to help learner’s problems in learning. It was originated in Japan wherein group of teachers led as researchers in particular subject area with a common goal of identifying problems among learners base on and later on find ways in solving it. They will collaboratively exchanging ideas and share common experiences in teaching on a daily basis and find an answer to such problem. That’s how lesson study works!

On the basis of study conducted by Lucenario (2016), lesson study define by Dela Cruz, from UP NISMED as a practical, economical and effective school-based method for continuous professional development of teachers done in a collegial atmosphere. Lesson study served as a tool in addressing the common problems of learners wherein teachers have an opportunity to share his/her ideas, develop workmanship among colleagues and attain strong professional development.

The Lesson Study follows a hierarchy network (TDT, 2015) such as Plan, Observe, and Reflect. In lesson study, group of teachers will design a systematic way of teaching the lesson and creating a creative instructional materials/device and activities, observe the created lesson if learners are learned, analysis on learners task, and enhance proper improvement on the executed lesson. The systematic approach in executing the strategy on lesson study gives them a guide to address such common problems of learners in learning. In lesson study, teachers able to analyze how learners think and learned about the lesson. They become knowledgeable in dealing with learners behavior and gives them ideas in improving instructional materials. Cerbin, Lesson study follows a common goal for a successful development of learners in the academic that increase level of performance. This strategy gives a systematic way to teachers to deal with learners problem on the lessons.

Collaboration through Study Lesson provide improvements in the instructional method of teachers and identify the roots of low performance of learners in specific subject area. It also gives a substantial guide for the progress of each learners, plan for an appropriate interventions and instructional aides that fits learner’s needs. It will also uphold the professional standards of teachers in order to comply with the learning standard set by the Department of Education and therefore become a foundation for learner’s success.