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Janiuay National Comprehensive High School


This qualitative research aimed at determining the English teachers’ experiences and reduction strategies to affective filters to learning English in the District of Janiuay I, Schools Division of Iloilo, during the Schoolyear 2023-2024 as bases for retooling activities. Emergent themes were drawn in terms of how English teachers view affective filters to learning English, affective filters to learning English they experienced, reduction strategies they employed, and how they managed affective filters in their classes. English teachers viewed affective filters to learning as emotional factors, attitudes that impede language acquisition and feelings that hinder learning. English teachers experienced affective filters to learning English like lack of motivation, low self-confidence, and anxiety. As to reducing or lowering the affective filters, English teachers established rapport, used task-based activities, and affective strategies. English teachers managed affective filters, by understanding student’s background, creating safe, supportive, and positive atmosphere; and providing collaborative work. Retooling activities were proposed as a result of the study.

Keywords: Affective filter, experiences, reduction strategies, retooling activities



English is widely spoken as a second language in the Philippines. For a variety of reasons, many Filipino students find it challenging to speak and use the language.

English teachers encounter difficulties when teaching the language at some time in their careers. The difficulties faced by English teachers are frequently severe. A learner must feel secure and at ease in the classroom to learn properly. During the learning process, the students shouldn't feel a lot of worry or anxiety.

Even if instruction is made understandable to learners, it is still insufficient in the classroom of today. One objective for teachers should be to help students believe that the English language is exciting and valuable, as the emotional domain deals with student attitudes and beliefs. English teachers should also assist all learners in achieving success in the classroom to foster self-confidence.

As an English teacher in the district of Janiuay I, the researcher also observed students who had a bad attitude toward the language. Their bad attitude stems from their inadequate language proficiency, which keeps them from engaging in class activities. This mindset is one of the main obstacles to successful teaching and likely the main reason for their failure or success in learning a language.

To decrease students' pessimistic mood and increase their motivation to learn, language teachers should establish cozy, less affective filtering, and motivation-boosting study spaces where students can grow in self-worth and sense of fulfillment and confidence (Stephen Krashen, as cited in Grace Hui Chin Lin, 2018).

However, learning doesn’t take place because the learner is blocking the learning process because of the psychological filter that hinder or inhibit success in acquiring the second language.

The researcher observed that language teachers focus only on the cognitive domain of learning in their classroom instruction leading them into a not lively and engaging discussions where students are not engaged totally in learning.

It was also noticed that most research conducted by other researchers focused only on the students as their participants and few on the teachers. The researcher finds it interesting to provide additional representations regarding teachers’ experiences and reduction strategies toward affective filters to learning English.

For this reason, the researcher thinks that this study is necessary to investigate English teachers' experiences, particularly regarding resolving affective filters from their students, which are a common barrier to learning. It can also help teachers become more effective by taking the affective domain into account while developing lesson plans, delivering lectures and activities, and assessing student learning.

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